To help our Sales Team track milestones in the sales process, we provided an icon called the "Roadmap" (aka the roadmap to the Sale). From this icon, you can quickly track small milestones of what you have completed with your Customer that has an Open Deal. All you need to do is go to a Customer Card with an Open Deal and click the "Roadmap" icon!
The following options should be available for your to check mark off stating you have completed the activity, which will help you track where you are in the roadmap to the sale with your Customers:
Presentation = Did you show the customer the vehicle?
Demo = Did you take the customer on a test drive of the vehicle?
Service Walk = Did you take the customer to the Service Department to discuss the servicing at the dealership for the future?
Credit Check = Have you checked their credit score to better understand rates that the customer could be eligible for?
Manager TO (turn over) = Did you introduce the customer to your Manager(s)?
Note: There is reporting available that reviews these metrics for Open Deals that have Visited the dealership to help understand what we have done on the Roadmap to the sale.
If you have any questions about the Roadmap to the Sale icon, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!