Creating a New Distribution
Genius avatar
Written by Genius
Updated over a week ago

Required Permission: Manage Store

Distributions are used to assign leads to users in the system. Rules or priorities within a distribution can be set up as either a Round Robin or Grab It system. See Distribution Types for details on all available options.

Here are the steps you can take to create a new distribution:

1) Click your user account button and select Store Settings

2) Select Distributions from the Store Settings menu on the left.

3) Click the New Distro button

4) Type in a name for your distribution

5) Click the Save Distro button

You are now ready to add Rules (Priorities) to your distribution!

If you have any questions about the Roadmap to the Sale icon, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!

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โ€‹Adding a User to a Distribution

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