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Appointment Types
Genius avatar
Written by Genius
Updated over 3 months ago

There are four appointment types available in DriveCentric:

Sales - Scheduled date and time to meet with a prospective buyer.

Delivery - Scheduled date and time to deliver a purchased vehicle to a customer.

Service - Scheduled date and time a customer will have their vehicle in the service department. This does not communicate with your store's service appointment scheduling system or DMS.

Stores with Reynolds DMS integration can view a daily list of DMS scheduled service appointments within DriveCentric when the feature has been enabled. The DMS Service Appointment feed is received one time per day. Appointments scheduled after the feed is received will not be visible in DriveCentric.

General - Date and time scheduled for a customer for a generic reason not specifically related to a sales opportunity, delivery or service.

If you have any questions about the Appointment Types, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!

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