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Business Rule Categories
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Written by Genius
Updated over a year ago

Within the Business Rules menu there are designated categories associated with the deal type, deal status, deal actions and activities for which rules can be created.

Business Rule Categories

  • New Prospects

  • Dupes

  • Pipe Stages

  • Deals

  • Appointments

  • Sold Deals

  • Dead Deals

  • Surveys

  • Customer

  • Service

  • Deal Activities

  • Caddy

New Prospects

The New Prospects category contains 4 subcategories that will trigger rules to run:

  1. Showroom: Rules run for customers based on when they are checked into the store for the first time on a specific deal.

  2. Phone: Rules run based on when a new deal is created using source type Phone.

  3. Internet: Rules run based on when a new deal is started with source type Internet.

    1. ILM After Hours: Secondary subcategory to establish rules for leads (Source Type Internet) that are created outside of store business hours set in General Settings.

    2. ILM Business Hours: Secondary subcategory to establish rules for leads (Source Type Internet)that are created during store business hours set in General Settings.

  4. Chat: Rules run based on when a new chat deal is created through DirectChat powered by Ignitify. DirectChat creates a new deal from a “Text Us” chat opportunity.

  5. Campaign: Rules run based on when a new deal is created using source type Campaign.

The New Prospect subcategories can have subcategories of their own created through the Lead Sources menu allowing for further rule segmentation. There are two secondary subcategories created with each new store under the subcategory Internet called ILM After Hours and ILM Business Hours.

If you establish Business Rules for Business Hours and After Hours, the hours listed in your Store Settings will be used for the rules to determine if the action is in fact during business or after business hours.

*Your Dealerships hours are located in your Store Settings > General tab and can be updated by having an Expert User at your Dealership reach out to your Customer Success Team through Support Chat, or via Email.

Rules will run on both the primary subcategory (Showroom, Phone, Internet, Campaign) and the secondary subcategory unless appropriate Include or Exclude source filters are included on the business rules.


Dupes refer to auto or possible duplicate leads that are received electronically in ADF/XML format. The Dupes category contains 3 subcategories that will trigger rules to run. Rules setup in the Dupes category run based on when the possible or auto duplicate lead is created in the system.

  1. Possible Dupe

  2. System Auto Flagged Duplicate

  3. System Auto Flagged Match

Pipe Stages

Pipe stage rules trigger to run when a deal enters the a new stage of the pipeline. Rules are triggered to run upon entering the designated pipeline stage. The four pipeline stage business rule subcategories are:

  1. Lead

  2. Engaged

  3. Visit

  4. Proposal

Rules for the Sold and Deliver stages of the pipeline are setup under the Sold Deals category.


The deals category contains the same subcategories as the Sold Deals and Dead Deals categories plus a subcategory called All Deals. If you create a rule under a subcategory in Deals that is also visible under category Sold Deals or Dead Deals the rule will appear in both places, but only run once.

Rules set up in the All Deals subcategory will run when a deal is created.

Rules set up in the Sold and Dead subcategories will run based off when a deal enters that status.


There are six subcategories available under Appointments.

  1. Sales - Start Time: Rules in this category will run based on the date and time a sales appointment is scheduled.

  2. Sales - No Show: Rules in this category will run based on the date and time the system marks a sales appointment as a No Show. (Default time is 60 minutes unless customized within Store Settings → Preferences.)

  3. Sales - Show: Rules in this category run based on when the customer’s sales appointment is marked shown. Customers are marked shown for an appointment upon being checked into the store on the same day of the appointment.

  4. Sales - Created: Rules in this category run based on the date and time a sales appointment is created in the system.

  5. Sales - Cancelled: Rules in this category run based on the date and time a sales appointment is cancelled in the system by a user.

  6. Service - Start Time: Rules in this category run based on the scheduled date and time of a service appointment.

Sold Deals

There are seven subcategories available under Sold Deals.

  1. Sold - Pending: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked sold and the Pending option is selected on the customer deal card.

  2. Sold - Delivered: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked delivered, either by the system or a user for stores without DMS integration.

  3. Sold - General: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked sold for all sold status selections.

  4. Sold - Date the Deal is Marked Delivered by the System: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked delivered in the system.

  5. Lease Ending: Rules in this category will run based on the end date of a delivered lease deal.

  6. Sold - Ordered: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked sold and the Ordered option is selected on the customer deal card.

  7. Sold - Locate: Rules in this category will run based on the date the deal is marked sold and the Locate option is selected on the customer deal card.

Dead Deals

Rules in the dead deals subcategories run based off of the dead reason selected when a user marks a deal dead.


Survey rules run when a customer leaves a review sent using the reputation management feature. There are seven subcategories available to run rules for surveys.


The only subcategory available under the Customer category is Birthday. In order for a birthday business rule to fire there must be a delivered deal dated within the last four years.


There are four available subcategories for service activities within the system.

  1. Closed RO: Rules in this category run based on the date and time a Closed RO record is received from the dealership’s DMS.

  2. Service Lead - All: Rules in this category run based on the receipt of any type of service or parts lead.

  3. Service Lead - Parts: Rules in this category run based on the receipt of a part lead.

  4. Service Lead - Service: Rules in this category run based on the receipt of a service lead.

Service leads is an available feature that must be enabled by your Account Manager.

Deal Activities

The deal activities category contains 7 subcategories related to specific activities related to a deal.

  1. Deal was grabbed: Rules in this category run when a user claims a lead that was put up for grabs.

  2. Rotated: Rules This category is designed to enable the rotate deal task to function on internet leads received in the system. Typically a dealership may rotate a deal because the original user assigned has not logged any follow up activity such as logging a phone call, sending a text, sending an email, and sending a video. The rotate rule will only function if the deal was originally assigned using a Round Robin distribution type. Additional rules can be created in this category that will run based off the system rotating the deal to another user or distribution.

    Deals rotated will not be put up for grabs to the user that was removed.

    If using a round robin clock in distribution the user removed will also be clocked out to prevent them from being assigned more leads via round robin.

  3. Up For Grabs (Targeted Users): Rules in this category run when a deal is put up for grabs utilizing an assign user rule in the New Prospects or Pipe Stages categories.

  4. Engaged By Caddy: Rules in this category run when a deal is engaged by the Genius (formerly known as Caddy).

  5. Deal was grabbed by mobile: Rules in this category run when a lead is grabbed by a user through the DriveCentric mobile application.

  6. User Woke Deal from Snooze: Rules in this category run when a user manually wakes a deal up from Snooze.

  7. System Woke Deal from Snooze: Rules in this category run when the system wakes a deal up from Snooze based on the original end date selected by the user when the deal was snoozed.

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