On your Live Dashboard the intersection of a specific row and column is a unique value representing specific information related to your teams performance in Sales, Opportunities, Appointments, Pipeline Conversions, Message Responsiveness, and Personalized Video.
This slate displays the number of visits, be-backs and deliveries for the current calendar day.
Column Header Definitions
Visits: Running count of check-in events for the day.
Be-Back: Count of deals where a check-in event occurred during the current day, and that check in event was not the first check-in event for that deal.
Delivered: Count of deals marked delivered for the current day.
Row Header Definitions
New: Count of deals where the primary interest vehicle is new.
Used: Count of deals where the primary interested vehicle is used.
Total: Count of all deals.
MTD Data Panel
Total: Provides total number of deliveries where the vehicle status filter is new or used. Deals containing vehicles without a vehicle status filter will not be included in this metric.
New: Provides total number of deliveries where the vehicle status filter is new.
Used: Provides a total number of deliveries where the vehicle status filter is used.
This slate displays the number of opportunities for the current calendar day.
Column Header Definitions
Opps: Count of all deals created today.
Internet: Count of all deals created today with source type Internet.
Campaign: Count of all deals created today with source type Campaign.
Phone: Count of all deals created today with source type Phone.
Showroom: Count of all deals created today with source type Showroom
Row Header Definitions
New: Count of deals where the primary interest vehicle is new.
Used: Count of deals where the primary interested vehicle is used.
Total: Count of all deals.
MTD Data Panel
Total: Provides total number of opportunities where the vehicle status filter is new or used. Deals containing vehicles without a vehicle status filter will not be included in this metric.
New: Provides total number of opportunities where the vehicle status filter is new.
Used: Provides a total number of opportunities where the vehicle status filter is used.
This slate displays the number of appointments for the current calendar day.
Column Header Definitions
Appts: Count of all sales appointments for the current day on customers with an open deal.
Confirmed: Count of sales appointments scheduled for the current date on customers with an open deal that have been marked confirmed.
Not Confirmed: Count of sales appointments scheduled for the current date on customers with an open deal that have not been marked confirmed.
Upcoming: Count of sales appointments for the current date on customers with an open deal where the start time of the appointment is later than the current time.
Row Header Definitions
New: Count of deals where the primary interest vehicle is new.
Used: Count of deals where the primary interested vehicle is used.
Total: Count of all deals.
MTD Data Panel
Total: Provides total number of appointments on open deals where the vehicle status filter is new or used. Deals containing vehicles without a vehicle status filter will not be included in this metric.
New: Provides total number of appointments on open deals where the vehicle status filter is new.
Used: Provides a total number of appointments on open deals where the vehicle status filter is used.
Pipeline Conversion
This slate displays the number of pipeline conversions for the current calendar day. A pipeline conversion includes the number of deals that have moved from one stage in the Pipeline to the next stage in the Pipeline.
Column Header Definitions
New Total: Total number of deals converted to the latest stage specified in the row header today plus total deals that were created in that stage today.
Converted Today: Total number of deals converted to the latest stage specified in the row header today.
Row Header Definitions
Lead - Engaged: Deals were created in the engaged pipeline stage or deals that converted from the lead to the engaged pipeline stage.
Engaged - Visit: Deals were created in the visit pipeline stage or deals that converted from the engaged to the visit pipeline stage.
Visit - Delivered: Deals that started in the delivered pipeline stage or deals that converted from the visit to the delivered pipeline stage.
MTD Data Panel
Lead - Engaged: This represents the percentage of leads created this month to date that have been marked engaged.
Engaged - Visit: This represents the percentage of deals marked engaged this month to date that have also been marked as a visit.
Visit - Delivered: This represents the percentage of deals marked visit this month to date that have also been marked delivered.
Message Responsiveness
This slate displays the amount of time taken for a user to respond to a customer message for the current calendar day.
You have the ability to display data for the store’s business hour messages or after-hour messages.
Column Header Definitions
Unreplied: Shows incoming messages for the applicable time period (row) that are currently unreplied.
Ignored: This shows incoming messages for the applicable time period (row) that were marked ignored
Answered: This shows incoming messages for the applicable time period (row) that were replied to
Row Header Definitions
0-15 min: This row shows incoming messages that were received between 0-15 minutes ago
15-30 min: This row shows incoming messages that were received between 15-30 minutes ago
30-60 min: This row shows incoming messages that were received between 30-60 minutes ago
Fumble: This row shows incoming messages that were received more than an hour ago
MTD Data Panel
0-15 min: Represents the percentage of messages received during this calendar month that were replied to between 0 and 15 minutes
15-30 min: Represents the percentage of messages received during this calendar month that were replied to between 15 and 30 minutes
30-60 min: Represents the percentage of messages received during this calendar month that were replied to between 30 and 60 minutes
Fumble: Represents the number of messages received during this calendar month that were replied to after more than 60 minutes.
Personalized Video
This slate displays the number of personalized videos sent by DriveCentric users during the current calendar day. This chart will measure the stores effectiveness of shooting a personalized video within each stage and status of a customer below. It will only count if the customer was eligible to receive a video and will look at todays numbers.
Column Header Definitions
Opps: Count of deals for today.
Personalized: Count of deals that received a personalized video.
Canned: Count of deals that received a canned video.
No Video: Count of deals that did not receive a video.
Row Header Definitions
Lead: Count of new internet deals created today.
Engaged: Count of deals that entered the engaged stage today.
Appt: Count of sales appointments scheduled for today.
Visit Not Sold: Count of deals that entered the visit stage today but were not marked sold today.
MTD Data Panel
Lead: Represents the percentage of deals in the “lead” pipe stage where the associated customer was sent a personalized video within 24 hours of becoming a lead during this calendar month.
Engaged: Represents the percentage of deals in the “engaged” pipe stage where the associated customer was sent a personalized video within 24 hours of becoming engaged during this calendar month.
Appt: Represents the percentage of deals in which the associated customer has a scheduled appointment that was sent a personalized video within 24 hours of making the appointment during this calendar month
Not Sold: Represents the number of deals in which the associated customer has visited the dealership store but has not been marked sold that was sent a personalized video within 24 hours of visiting the store during this calendar month
MTD Statistics
Within each data slate (box) month to date data is displayed at the bottom.
Provides total number for the slate category where the vehicle status filter is new or used. Vehicles without a vehicle status filter will not be included in this metric.
Provides total number for the slate category where the vehicle status filter is new.
Provides a total number for the slate category where the vehicle status filter is used.
Trend Arrows
For each category a green upwards arrow will be displayed if the number for this month to date is higher than the previous month to date total. A red downwards arrow will be displayed if the number for this month to date is lower than the previous month to date total.
Store Ranking
The store rank shows the individual stores position among the store’s group using both new and used interested vehicle data. For one-store groups, this element is not shown.
Store Ranking Color Coding
1 Store Group | Ranking Not Shown |
2 Store Group | 1 Green |
3 Store Group | 1 Green |
4 Store Group | 1 Green |
5+ Store Group | Top 2 Green |
Live Updates
You will see a green box when a live update occurs.
For updates in Message Responsiveness, you will see the following colors:
0-15 min row and Unreplied column, a change in the data value will trigger a GREEN square
15-30 min row and Unreplied column, a change in the data value will trigger a YELLOW square
30-60 min row and Unreplied column, a change in the data value will trigger an RED square
Fumble row and Unreplied column, a change in the data value will trigger a BLACK square
For all squares in the Ignored column, a change in the data value will trigger a GREY square
For all squares in the Answered column, data changes will NOT trigger any color change
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