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Understanding your Sales Pipeline
Understanding your Sales Pipeline

How customers move into the different pipeline stages.

Genius avatar
Written by Genius
Updated over 9 months ago

Your pipeline is also your home screen in DriveCentric. The pipeline shows you all of your open customers and helps you track them through the sales process. Customers move through the pipeline from left to right.

Pipeline Buckets

The "Engaged' stage (or bucket) is the first Deal stage of your pipeline. You would see Deals in this stage that you have had two-way communication between the customer and staff from your Dealership but the deals have not visited the showroom yet.

Note: Non-engaged leads remain in the lead bucket (compass icon on your top menu bar) until two way communication has happened: email received from the customer, text received from the customer or a phone conversation is logged.

The "Visit" stage (or bucket) houses customers that have visited the showroom. Customers move to the visit bucket either by you checking them in using the Check In button on the customer deal card or by you adding a new customer and selecting Showroom as the Deal type.

The "Proposal" stage (or bucket) shows customers that have been presented numbers. The system will move customers to the proposal stage when a proposal is printed, sent through text or sent via email for a customer as long as the customer is not in lead status. Customers can also be moved to the proposal stage manually by a manager utilizing the Desk Log on the Dashboard reports.

The "Sold" stage (or bucket) shows you customers that have agreed to purchase but haven’t taken delivery yet. To move into the sold stage the "Mark as Sold" button must be clicked on the customer deal card.

Customers stay in the first four stages of the pipeline until they are either delivered or the deal is marked as dead. For stores with DMS integration delivery information received from your DMS will move the customer into the Delivered bucket. For stores without DMS integration, the deal will need to be Marked Delivered using the button on the customer deal card.

Pipeline Filters

To add a filter to your pipeline click the Add Filter button in the upper left of the header. To learn more about filters see Filtering your Sales Pipeline.

The No Follow-Up Icon

The number next to the alert icon is a count of deals in that pipe stage that do not have a task scheduled. These are referred to as no-follow-up alerts. These are deals that you will want to pay close attention to, as either the workflow tasks have stopped running for the deals, the customer has no contact information listed for your team to follow up with the customer, or your team has not scheduled a task to contact the opportunity in the future.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!

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