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Business Rule Task Types

Do Drop Down Options in Business Rules

Genius avatar
Written by Genius
Updated over a year ago

Business Rules are Dynamic

When you are building out your Business Rules, there are different Task Types that you can choose to build your process. The different options you can create to run are the following:

  1. Alerts

    1. Alerts are used to send updates to specific users, or email addresses, to alert them of things happening in the CRM.

      1. Example: Send a Push Notification when you are assigned to a new Internet Lead.

  2. Assignments

    1. Assignments are used to assign users to new Leads that are received in the CRM (this would exclude duplicate lead submissions to the CRM) based on the selected Distribution that is tied to the Assignment Rule.

  3. Emails

    1. Used to forward emails to a desired Email Address based on certain actions taken in the CRM, as well as set up Auto Emails to be sent during certain points in the deal lifecycle.

      1. We can send out Auto Emails when a deal is in Open Deal Status, Dead Deal Status, or Delivered Deal Status.

        1. For Example, I want to send an auto email to a customer after the deal has been placed in the "Dead" status in DriveCentric. This is something you can set up by building the business rule and choosing the Filter Option to only send the rule if the deal is in the "Dead" status.

  4. Extras

    1. Extras are primarily used for the Kill Associated Deal option, which provides your dealership the ability to automatically mark deals "Dead" after certain actions take place in the CRM.

      1. An example would be to automatically mark your deals "Dead" if they have been stuck in the Engaged bucket of the Pipeline for more than 60 days after the creation of the Deal.

  5. Tasks

    1. Tasks are the location where you can create and establish the desired tasks to run for your follow-up process. For example, you can set up a rule that says I want to have a Phone Task schedule to run 1-day after the deal has visited the Dealership.

      1. You can also use what is called "TouchPoints", which allows you to select multiple contact methods to complete one TouchPoint.

        1. For Example, you can create a "TouchPoint" and choose the options to complete the TouchPoint will be either sending a Video, making a Phone Call, or sending a Text Message. This will only let the user complete either of the three options selected to complete the task. The user will just need to attempt one of the options listed on the business rule to complete the TouchPoint.


  • Alert Via Email - Sends an email to the selected users on the user tab.

  • Alert Via Email ILM - Sends an email to the selected users on the user's tab. If the users replied via email to this message the user’s email is sent to the customer to answer the lead.

  • Push Notification - Sends a mobile push notification to the users on the user's tab. Stores wanting users to be notified of new leads will need to utilize this type of rule. By default, the system does not automatically send lead notifications.

  • Send Service Lead Email - Sends an email for service leads received to the users on the user's tab.


  • Assign Based on User: Assigns users based on their user type and the user or distribution selected on the user's tab.

  • Assign BDC: Assigns user in the BDC slot regardless of user type.

  • Assign Salesperson: Assigns user in the Sales 1 slot regardless of user type.

  • Assign Service BDC: Assigns user in the Service BDC slot.

  • Rotate Person: Used to rotate a deal that was assigned through a round-robin or direct assignment. Rotate person rules should be created under the category Deal Activities and subcategory Rotated.


  • Forward Email To: Forward an email to the selected users on the user's tab.

  • Send Auto Email: Sends an email automatically from the user on the user's tab with the email template selected on the message tab.

  • Send Email Campaign: No longer utilized. Email Campaigns are sent through the Customer Mining Tool

  • Send Manual Email: No longer utilized. Use the Email Task or Touchpoint selection under the Tasks section.


  • Kill Associated Deal: The system will mark the deal dead. No users are needed as this is a system task rule.

  • Send Deal ADF: Sends the ADF file in the ADF/XML format to the users on the user's tab.


  • Create Phone Task Confirm Appointment: Generates a phone task for the selected users on the user's tab to confirm an appointment.

  • Create Snail Mail Task: Generates a generic task to send snail mail for the users on the user's tab.

  • Dead Deal Review: Generates a generic task for the users on the user's tab to review a deal once it has been marked dead.

  • Email Task: Generates an email task for the users on the user's tab. Users must send an email to complete the task. Tasks will be generated for customers with valid email addresses.

  • Expire Tasks: System rule to expire outstanding tasks associated with the deal. No user is needed on the user's tab as this is a system function rule.

  • Generic Task: Generates a generic task for the users on the user's tab. Users must click the words “Mark Complete” underneath the planned task on the Activity tab of the Deal card.

  • Phone Task: Generates a phone task for the users on the user's tab. Users must place or log a phone call to complete the task. Stores with click-to-call set to Enabled in the Admin site can only place a call to complete the task. Stores with click-to-call set to Mixed and stores without click-to-call can log a call to complete the task. Tasks will be generated for customers with a valid phone number.

  • Text Task: Generates a text task for the users on the user's tab. Users must send a text message to complete the task. Tasks will be generated for customers with a valid phone number, even if that number is a landline.

  • Touchpoint: Generates a task for users on the user's tab that can be completed by a phone call, text message, email, or video depending on which toggles are activated when creating or editing the rule. Touchpoints can have one or multiple methods to complete the task. Users must complete one of the available task options to complete a touchpoint task.

  • Video Task: Generates a video task for the users on the user's tab. Users must send a video to complete the task.

If you have any questions about creating Business Rule follow-up processes, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!

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