On a customer deal card you can view the activity logs which display information including but not limited to:
User Added to a Deal
User Removed from a Deal
User Changed via Round Robin
Lead Distribution Assignments
Customer Profile Changes
Desking Activity
DMS Push Records
Credit Push Records
Pipeline Stage Changes
Genius Hired Records
Genius Fired Records
Interested Vehicles Added or Removed
Trade Vehicles Added or Removed
Deal Flags Added or Removed
If a user action resulted in the change the user name will be shown on the log next to record. For system action no user will be shown.
To access the activity log open the customer deal card and navigate to the Activity tab. Under the Past activity section click the word Logs.
In this example you can see the system log of Genius being fired due to the user engaging the customer:
Logs are grouped by deal, for actions related to an open deal. Scroll down on the Deal Card Activity Tab to the deal that logs need to be viewed, and click the logs button within that deal section.
For activity that occurs when no open deal exists the Logs button immediately underneath the Past header on the activity tab will display the log data.
If you have any questions about the Customer Card Activity Logs, please reach out to your Customer Success Team by clicking on the Support Icon found in the bottom right-hand corner of DriveCentric!