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Managing Customer Subscriptions

Adding to the Do Not Contact list or Unsubscribing from Communication(s)

Genius avatar
Written by Genius
Updated over a month ago

If a customer prefers not to be contacted via one or more communication methods (phone, email, text, or mail), you can mark their profile as unsubscribed. This ensures all users accessing the customer’s profile are aware of their preferences.

Unsubscribing from Communications

Step 1

Open the Customer Deal Card and, if it's not already expanded, click the license icon in the upper left corner to open the Customer Contact Card.

Step 2

Click the menu icon in the upper-right corner and select "Manage Subscriptions" from the dropdown menu.

Step 3

Disable the communication method(s) the customer wants to unsubscribe (phone, email, text, or mail).

What the CRM Displays

Unsubscribe from Calling

When a customer has been unsubscribed from phone calls the following message will appear when trying to make or log a call.

Unsubscribe from Email

When a customer has been unsubscribed from email the following message will appear when trying to compose an email.

Customers can unsubscribe themselves from email communication by clicking the unsubscribe option on any email received with an unsubscribe link.

Unsubscribe from Text

When a customer has been manually unsubscribed from texts the following message will appear.

Customers who opt out of text will have the following message appear stating the phone number that has been opted out and what number the customer must text the word START or UNSTOP to in order to opt back in. Customer's who have opted out of texting cannot be re-subscribed manually.

Unsubscribe from Mail

Since there isn't a physical mail activity tab there is not a notice that a customer has been unsubscribed from physical mail on the customer deal card. Users will need to check the customer contact card.

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